Best Italian Office Furniture in Port Harcourt
Go no further if you a looking for best in class Italian Office Furniture. At Highmoon we excel in fulfilling all your needs of customised and modern Italian Office Furniture. Highmoon Office Furniture is a decade old company and is one of the topmost manufacturer and supplier of quality office furniture in the Gulf and the African Continent. Over the years, we have catered to a variety of satisfied customers spread across the various sectors – Commercial, Retail, Educational, Corporate, Realty, and the Government in the Gulf Region and the African Continent.
Buy Office Furniture in Port Harcourt
Our production facilities are independent of market dynamics with a self-sufficient workforce of over 120 experienced craftsmen including in-house designers, joinery carpenters, paint booth technicians, glass and sanding experts who together to work out the best of the professional designs suited to any kind of customisation need of the Client. Our high graph of Customer satisfaction and their testimonials along with innumerable repeated clients are a testament to that. Since the foundation of Highmoon, we have always strived to excel at delivering the utmost level of quality products and service to our customers which naturally translates into our philosophy to keep Client at the forefront of our delivery and service. We at Highmoon excel on creating unique Italian designs with our main attention to high quality and reliability – again and again.
Serving to supply high quality Italian furniture In Port Harcourt which includes high quality luxurious Italian desks, Italian styled workstations, height adjustable desks, filing storage cabinets made to order in premium solid and textured colours we provide options to create a work space you and your employees would love to work in thus creating highly conducive work environment which will enhance the organizational efficiency and add to the economic growth in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Furthermore, with our high capacity production unit, dedicated workforce of over 120 employees and professional delivery and quality control team, we ensure that the product is manufactured to world standards with outstanding high-class German materials and Italian designs for your work office spaces. Our spacious showroom in the heart of Dubai, UAE along with our production unit showcases all our production capabilities and product quality with the best of the machinery, material and processes in place. We also manufacture a wide range of glass and metal furniture which when mixed with our high quality wooden designs makes the workspaces evolve as a melodious symphony of craftsmanship. With the motto of “Practical Style and Reliable Fashion” we create work spaces that you would like to stay in for longer than ever.
We invite you to discover our range of furniture where you can see the best range of office desks, ergonomic chairs customised workstations and beautiful reception desks that give your office the stylish work place.